Just do it!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

I feel like I should explain myself with this post. I don't normally eat out every weekend or whatever, If anything I can count the number of times I've eaten out this year but for some reason this year I have acquired a palate for good food. I really want to try out stuff from all these restaurants, you know, live a little. And that correlates with the title of this blog post.

 I have gotten to a space where I do not want to leave certain things to chance especially when it comes to my happiness. I enjoy conversations over a plate full of goodness and i like experiencing new eats and walking around shopping malls window shopping or actually buying stuff (lol this includes taking pictures of everything i buy or eat) . So Whatever it is that makes you happy as well, whatever it is you enjoy, JUST DO IT! Find a way to make it happen

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I really don't remeber what this is called but basically it is a bacon wrapped chicken breast fillet with mozarella, mushroon and roasted red pepper with cream and white wine sauce and a side of chips. AMAZING

Thanks for reading

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