

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

 I have probably worn this black coat more on this blog for look posts than I have in real life, doing real life things LOL. This is probably because school has been so HECTIC lately, actually since the beginning of time, that I haven't really left my room much. I am currently writing my exams which I finish on Thursday. I know I should probably blog less and focus on school more but in a weird way blogging calms me down and centers me. This is the one place I don't have to think too much or too hard about what I put out, even though there was a time I felt pressured to write or blog a certain way I have overcome that now.

These exams have probably been the worst exams ever for me. I have never felt so anxious, tired and out of balance. We had the shortest block and on top of that had a lot of content to cover academically and a lot of assignments to do. I literally have no social life this year, whatever little fun I used to have last year has just diminished to NIL. It's probably worth it though because there is nothing I want to finish more than this degree. I want this part of my life to be over. I will probably do a blog post at the end of the year (after graduation!) rounding up on varsity years and stuff but for now have to go study for my last June paper.

This outfit is something I look for on a school/daily outfit. Comfortable and effortless with a touch of grey. It is something I would wear to an exam. Considering that the exam venues we normally write in are a bit chilly the coat would work really well.
 Dress: Mr Price
Coat: Thrifted
Shoes: Tomy Takkies
Cap: Lusanda's

 Photography: Lusanda Mdleleni
Thanks for reading

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  1. Hi:-). What you wrote about school, welcome to my world! Such a lovely dress on you


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