Mr Price pop up store x 70 juta str.x Braamfontein - GIRL ABOUT LIFE BLOG

Mr Price pop up store x 70 juta str.x Braamfontein

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

So yesterday I had an 8 o'clock which meant i'd be done by 10 and this left me with so much free time so after class which finished early (yeaaaay!) I decided to not go back to my room because 1. it's depressing and 2. nothing good was going to come out of it. So instead I decided to go to Braam and check out this Mr Price pop up thingy. I've seen pictures and denim campaigns for the shop all over Instagram and the internet and I was quite bummed I was never invited to the launch (chuckles). 
I walked into this tiny but beautifully decorated space and it just felt like a posh gallery. Everything there was beautifully displayed . The clothing they had there did not impress me though. I just felt like if you were going to bring a pop up store to a student infested place like braam atleast bring proper clothing with fairly reasonable prices.  The cool thing about this pop up store though is you get free coffee and free wifi. I mean that's all you need to be cool on the internet, get coffee, take a picture and Instagram it using the free wifi of course and put up a cool caption about the store or the denim . They also had portraits of all the famous bloggers/photographers/ cool people of the internet in their denim for the YOUR DENIM YOUR CAMPAIGN "campaign". Was slightly jealous at the sight of this but because Mr Price is kinda awesome they are giving us, fans, the chance to join in. To find out how please click on this link HERE.
P.s this pop up store closes on the 26th of May so if you in an around Braam, do check it out
 Thanks for reading

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