LOOK POST and a little rant - GIRL ABOUT LIFE BLOG

LOOK POST and a little rant

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Honestly I am so tired of putting up these look posts. All I want to do is go out, have fun, eat good food with my chommies and blog about that but I am so broke and August happens to be the month when most of my friends have birthdays and with buying gifts (which is something I rarely do so I hope they appreciate the effort) and trying to please them by going to places they want to go to, there will be less experimenting with new places on my part. By the way I have a list of places here in Joburg that I want to visit or eat at and we are 7 months into the year but I have only visited 2, it's a shame really but being a student means you are broke almost all the time so such things are a luxury really. Okay I'm done ranting.

Hat: Fashion world
Dress: Mr Price
Carding: Mr Price (belongs to a friend)
Leggings: Edgars
Boots: Solo

 Thanks for reading

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