

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

I am seating on the floor drinking green tea, my baby is sleeping and the work drama about my appointment in Witbank has been sorted out (THANK GOD!), LIFE IS GOOD. I feel like maybe today is the right time to do my 30 before 30 list. Essentially what this list is it’s all the things that I want to do before I turn 30. I am turning 25 this year so 30 is just around the corner. I love these lists, they keep me inspired and I love ticking off things I have done. I actually love making lists of everything, things I have to do,to buy, bills, if I can turn it into a list I will. I got the inspiration for this on You Tube so I thought I’d turn it into a blog post. I will divide the list into 3 categories namely work, life, fun. Work will mainly be about the blog and the type of work I would love to do outside my Pharmacy career. So here goes:

  1. Grow and cultivate an audience for this here blog. I have had this blog for about 5years now and I haven’t seen any significant growth. I would love for things to change in the next five years,
  2. I would really love to style a major campaign or style somebody influential. I love fashion and sharing my style with the world is a dream.
  3. Collaborate. I love featuring people on the blog and would love to be featured in other blogs or fashion platforms. Imagine that J
  4. Curate more. I want to curate my Instagram page and this blog more. It would help me de-clutter my brain I think and get my creativity across. Lol I think I am creative
  5. Work with a brand as their influencer because why not??
  6. Hopefully leave pharmacy for the fashion world, wouldn’t that be great?
  7. Blog more ofcourse.
  8. Experiment with photography. I love taking pictures and would love to explore that side of  the creative industry.
  9. Work in a different country for a month or a year whether be it pharmacy work or fashion work. I think being in a different country, alone really teaches you a lot about yourself and the world. I once read a quote that perfectly articulates the point I want to convey here and it’s really heart-breaking that I can’t find it.
  10. Go back to school for fashion either for textile and design or business economics. I don’t know why I’d want to do that to myself again.

  1. Buy and own a car. I have wanted a car for as long as I can remember. I already know what car I want and I am getting my licence in a week or 2 so that’s really close I think.
  2. Buy property. I really want to buy my mother a house and then buy myself property either for investment or to just to live in.
  3. Cultivate friendships and beautiful relationships. I find it really hard to make friends and I would really like to make more authentic connections in the next few years of my life, connections or relationships  that are genuine and awesome.
  4. Travel the world. I honestly need to get out of South Africa, atleast once a year.
  5. Health. I just had a baby and I feel like everything inside and out has been moved around and rearranged. I don’t feel healthy and I want to work on my health going into my 30s and make sure I am in tip top shape, this is extremely important to me.
  6. See a dermatologist. I have had acne for as long as I can remember and I really want to get rid of it now. I want great skin and I am willing to pay for it LOL
  7. Spoil mama. I want to give this woman everything I can, I am where I am, I am who I am because of her.
  8. Be financially savvy. I want my money to work for me not the other way around.
  9. Work on communicating. I am the worst communicator and I really want to work on that. When they say communication is key they are talking the truth. I have suffered so much because of my lack of communication skills.
  10. Build a warm, comfortable life for my daughter. Teach her that life is beautiful and precious. Provide for her and teach her to dream.

  1. Learn how to swim. I need to learn how to swim I am a 25 year old who can’t swim. This can’t be my life.
  2. Bake a cake. Things like baking and cooking are good for me and myself esteem I have learnt over the years. Starting something from scratch and finishing it is fulfilling and I would really love to bake a beautiful tasty cake before the big 30.
  3. Garden. I have always wanted to plant stuff and see them grow. Plus organic is the way to go, always.
  4. Buy a designer bag, like from a designer store, literally a life long dream.
  5. Start road tripping. It is a great way to explore. I am literally itching to get in a car and just drive for hours and hours with people I love and enjoy.
  6. Plan a party for a loved one. I would love to celebrate a person I love with a fun and fabulous party.
  7. Skinny dip in the Maldives, hence why a broad must learn how to swim.
  8. Enroll into a dance class.
  9. Go to a concert. I have never been to a concert or festival and I really don’t want to reach the age of 30 without going to one. Coechella would be a great start LOL.
  10. Dye my hair platinum blonde. Am I too old for that??

Surprisingly writing this list was harder than I thought it would be. I really need to allow myself to dream more and do more. The is literally nothing standing in my way at this moment.

Thanks for reading

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