

Thursday, February 08, 2018

The new year always brings about that sweet feeling of a do over, a renewed hope, the opportunity to rebrand and I love that feeling. It never lasts long enough. This year is quite different. It is the 8th of February and I am still hopeful, I am still optimistic and I am still excited for this year. The year 2018, the year that I promised myself to make up for 2017.

I have finally given birth. By the 9th month it feels like you have been pregnant forever hence the use of FINALLY. My daughter (yes it's a girl) is going to be 2 weeks tomorrow. Some of you may have not known about my pregnancy since I did not mention it here. It was such a confusing/ amazing journey. I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was pregnant for a whole 9 months and I am now a mother to a beautiful, most adorable baby. It feels so surreal to be honest, sometimes I really struggle with the reality of it all along side the struggles of raising a little one. I mean babies cry, they cry  A LOT lol and sometimes you don't know why they crying so it's really frustrating. I am really blessed for the support that I have in terms of family. I don't know how we would be navigating this journey without them. I am really looking forward to seeing her grow and mature. Little humans are truly a blessing, they just kinda shift your perspective on life.

I am currently on maternity leave. I will be moving to Mpumalanga in a couple of months. When people asked me last year where I wanted to do my community service I always said Witbank followed with a "Don't ask me why I just feel like it is where I need to be". I am starting to regret it a little because there is so much drama around my post and it's really annoying. I have faith that God will handle it though. I am just leaving everything to Him now because I have done all I could. I am just going to take this time and enjoy my daughter, read a lot, set my intentions for this new year and carry on with this positive light that I have in my heart right now

I don't really know what this post is about. I didn't quite think about it, I just took out my laptop and started typing.

I hope you guys are having a fabulous new year.

Thanks for reading :)

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