

Monday, September 27, 2021

 In January of 2017 I put up a blog post about the 30 things I wanted to do before 30. It was inspired by a challenge I had seen on YouTube . I was 25 at the time, had a new born baby and had gotten my community service pharmacist appointment in Witbank at a government hospital, which was later on withdrawn . It's kind of crazy because I am in Witbank right now working for a retail pharmacy, God works in mysterious ways sometimes . I thought I'd do a recap and see if I am any closer to fulfilling my list or if I'm still aspiring to some of the things . It's good to reflect and I'm quite sure a lot has changed since then . So let's get into it...

  • Grow and cultivate an audience for this here blog. I have had this blog for about 5years now and I haven’t seen any significant growth. I would love for things to change in the next five years,
I haven't done much with the blog, I haven't really been consistent in the last 3 years but for some reason this year, more specifically this last half of the year I have been itching to put more posts up. I even started promoting my blog posts on Instagram and that has been bringing in so much traffic, it's amazing . I'm still not sure what lies ahead but for now I am really enjoying blogging again. if you are an OG reader then you know the content has changed drastically but I am enjoying it .
  • I would really love to style a major campaign or style somebody influential. I love fashion and sharing my style with the world is a dream.
I am not sure if i still have aspirations to be a stylist but I would love to fall back in love with clothes, styling and fashion all over again. I must say though that Instagram overwhelms me a bit when it comes to this. I follow so many fashion content creators for "inspiration" but it’s so much content that it ends up discouraging me. I don't know how to explain it but it makes me not even want to try.

  • Collaborate. I love featuring people on the blog and would love to be featured in other blogs or fashion platforms. Imagine that
It's safe to say this one hasn't happened yet and i'm cool with it not happening. I don't I want it as badly as I did then.

  • Curate more. I want to curate my Instagram page and this blog more. It would help me de-clutter my brain I think and get my creativity across. Lol I think I am creative
Absolute fail on IG and the blog but i've still got time to figure things out . 
  • Work with a brand as their influencer because why not??
It pains me deeply to say I have never worked with a brand nor have i been an "influencer" . I really wanted this at some point in my life, a part of me still does just to prove to myself that I can do it . 
  • Hopefully leave pharmacy for the fashion world, wouldn’t that be great?
I am still in pharmacy, I'm actually working in retail pharmacy now which is something I never EVER thought I'd do but we plan but God decides right?
  • Blog more ofcourse.
I mean we have already covered this . 
  • Experiment with photography. I love taking pictures and would love to explore that side of  the creative industry.
Another failed passion. No desire whatsoever to pursue this anymore . I even sold my digital camera in 2020. 
  • Work in a different country for a month or a year whether be it pharmacy work or fashion work. I think being in a different country, alone really teaches you a lot about yourself and the world. I once read a quote that perfectly articulates the point I want to convey here and it’s really heart-breaking that I can’t find it.
I haven't left South Africa yet, not for work or for a holiday which is a tragedy really , but I have moved to towns and cities I never thought I'd be in and the feeling is still the same. It teaches you a lot about yourself, the world and opens your eyes to new possibilities. One thing about me i love change, i love different .
  • Go back to school for fashion either for textile and design or business economics. I don’t know why I’d want to do that to myself again.
I actually have been delaying enrolling for online courses and other upskill programs. I am lazy and unbothered to be honest . I am kind of getting over the notion that we must have a billion skills and a million side husttles. I am a mother who barely has enough time for self care Sundays, it doesn't make any sense for me to want to add 1 more thing to the list.

  • Buy and own a car. I have wanted a car for as long as I can remember. I already know what car I want and I am getting my licence in a week or 2 so that’s really close I think.
I am really proud to say I have bought and owned 2 cars , both second hand . I love buying things cash.
  • Buy property. I really want to buy my mother a house and then buy myself property either for investment or to just to live in.
I am still working on this one . If you know me then you know I live on property24 . I have land, flats, houses saved on my favourites for the day I have enough cash or enough credit to buy. This is literally a life long dream. I can't wait for it to come into realization .
  • Cultivate friendships and beautiful relationships. I find it really hard to make friends and I would really like to make more authentic connections in the next few years of my life, connections or relationships  that are genuine and awesome.
I don't know how to account for this. Realtionships can be a bit tricky for me because humans in general can be bit tricky. Let's just say I have a very small circle and there are prospects of enlarging
  • Travel the world. I honestly need to get out of South Africa, atleast once a year.
I haven't left South Africa, not even once. I really can't even believe I am typing this.
  • Health. I just had a baby and I feel like everything inside and out has been moved around and rearranged. I don’t feel healthy and I want to work on my health going into my 30s and make sure I am in tip top shape, this is extremely important to me.
I am definetly more active then i was 3 years ago . I take daily walks, sometimes jogs. My diet still needs a bit of work , I must say though that I get sickly more often now, I am not sure if it's the effects of the pandemic or the air pollution in this mining town or a sign of a weak immune system . 
  • See a dermatologist. I have had acne for as long as I can remember and I really want to get rid of it now. I want great skin and I am willing to pay for it LOL
I haven't seen a dermatologist but I am on Oratane and it's helping a lot . I am also actively trying out different skin products to see which one might be best . Honestly acne is just a nuisance .
  • Spoil mama. I want to give this woman everything I can, I am where I am, I am who I am because of her.
I am not sure about this one . I am not quite sure how to comment on it . when you become a mother things change, the sentiment is still the same though.
  • Be financially savvy. I want my money to work for me not the other way around.
I am very passionate about personal finance to a point where it frustrates me . I want to tick all the boxes and get all the badges. I know the power money has and I have seen and tasted what it can do if used right. I don't ever want to look back and feel like I could have done better . I want my children to be well taken care of because of the decisions I made today and I may have not ticked off all the boxes yet I think I am on the right track.
  • Work on communicating. I am the worst communicator and I really want to work on that. When they say communication is key they are talking the truth. I have suffered so much because of my lack of communication skills.
I am really not doing well with this one. I am trying to be more vocal though. I figure if I can get my frustrations across then I'll be better off . I had a real challenge with confrontation , to some extent I still do , I am very aware of myself when I express my opinions and it affects the delivery. It's really crazy that one can be so bad at the one thing they do every day and constantly .

  • Build a warm, comfortable life for my daughter. Teach her that life is beautiful and precious. Provide for her and teach her to dream.
lol currently I am still teaching her that tantrums don't solve anything but more than anything she is teaching me that life is beautiful and precious . 

  • Learn how to swim. I need to learn how to swim I am a 25 year old who can’t swim. This can’t be my life. 
I put my daughter in swimming school and I am really excited about that . It ought to count for something. I do promise though that before December i will be doing backstrokes and everything else you can do in the water , it's long overdue.
  • Bake a cake. Things like baking and cooking are good for me and myself esteem I have learnt over the years. Starting something from scratch and finishing it is fulfilling and I would really love to bake a beautiful tasty cake before the big 30.
I haven't done , I still want to do it.
  • Garden. I have always wanted to plant stuff and see them grow. Plus organic is the way to go, always.
I haven't done this but i still have a big desire to. When you are renting and moving every other year it becomes challenging but God will bless me with a house soon and I’ll do all the gardening I want.
  • Buy a designer bag, like from a designer store, literally a life long dream.
I haven't bought one yet, I'm accepting donations though lol. 
  • Start road tripping. It is a great way to explore. I am literally itching to get in a car and just drive for hours and hours with people I love and enjoy.
I have done a few road trips and I can't wait to do more.
  • Plan a party for a loved one. I would love to celebrate a person I love with a fun and fabulous party.
I haven't done this but i still have a big desire to.
  • Skinny dip in the Maldives, hence why a broad must learn how to swim.
LOL let's wait for 30 and we’ll come back to this one.
  • Enroll into a dance class.
I forgot I wanted to do this and I think I still want to . 
  • Go to a concert. I have never been to a concert or festival and I really don’t want to reach the age of 30 without going to one. Coechella would be a great start LOL.
I haven't done this but i still have a big desire to.
  • Dye my hair platinum blonde. Am I too old for that??
I haven't done this but i still have a big desire to, maybe this December. 

    Thanks for reading

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