
LOOK POST: ALL BLACK + a little rant

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

I know almost all the time the only things I blog about are fashion, beauty and food but today's post is a little different. It's a little personal or rather more personal. I believe that sharing things you like and wear is also sharing something personal and helps people get to know you more. If I did not believe that I wouldn't keep sharing those things on here.
I have been thinking a lot about where I am right now in life, where I want to be, what I want to do and how active I am in getting to a place where I feel content and at peace. Through all this self introspection I discovered how disconnected I am. I felt so disconnected to myself (how crazy is that??).  I couldn't answer all the questions that I had and that's mainly because I did not have the answers and that to me showed how little I knew my self. I don't know if this makes sense to any of you but this is the only explanation I could come up with. Even though I spend a lot of time alone I barely ask myself the questions that matter. I rarely take the time to get to know me and understand me and connect with me. I rarely take the time to evaluate where I am, how I got there and how I am going to get where I want to be HECK I don't even know where I want to be. Why have I never taken the time to get to know myself? Why haven't I taken time out to find out what exactly is happening inside me?

I have been floating about my own life, unaware of what is going on inside my own head and heart for a while now and I don't know how related these things are but I have also been finding it hard to connect with certain things and people around me lately. If it's not the thousand questions I can't answer it's really trying to figure out how to not feel like I am alone in this big planet of ours. For those of you who still don't know what I am talking about (not that you supposed to) try imagine knowing you have a family and friends and that you love them but for some odd unknown reason you can not or do not feel that connection or bond towards them. Imagine having no soul ties to anyone or anything even your pot plants or closest friends. Imagine knowing you love playing sports and you love writing or singing but do not feel anything towards it. This may sound dramatic but this is how I feel 5 out the 7 days of the week. I sometimes feel like I'm living a passive life and I don't know how to switch modes. I don't know how to start feeling and connecting again. I don't know how reconnect with the people that I say I love and think I love. How do I get to a place where I FEEL again?

This was just a random post. this whole post literally typed itself I guess it needed to come out and here we are.

Feel free to comment and share what  you are going through right now (good or bad)

About the look:
I have to admit I gave into this slip dress trend/craze and I went and bought quite a number of them. Everybody styles them differently but I feel like they are already a look on their own. You literally just slip it on and there is your outfit. Besides the fact that slip dresses were for a long time worn as night time or sleep wear they make a great outfit for day time especially now in spring. I love this one because of it's length and it has a cheeky slit on the side (which I failed to show, how dare I?!). Initially I was gonna pair the dress with white tennis shoes but a friend suggested boots and I did not hate it so here we are. I also thought the hat added a bit of drama and worked as a great and sole accessory.

Photography: Akosua Asante
Thanks for reading

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  1. A friend cut me out of their life today. Weeks back I found out I am not as important to a few souls as I thought I was. My pillar of strength showed me their true colours. These are some of the stuff that came to mind when reading the post. Ku rough but plz know that these stuff are temporary

    1. it be like that sometimes but we'll be alright :)


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love you and stay blessed

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