23 things at 23 - GIRL ABOUT LIFE BLOG

23 things at 23

Sunday, January 15, 2017

HAPPY NEW YEAR. Hope the year started off great for you guys. This is my first post in 2017. So much has happened and I plan on filling you in as time goes on, for now I'm just really trying to get back into  actually putting up a blog post.
Exactly 2 weeks ago I turned 23 (MAKE IT STOP!). This is such an awkward age to be in. It's weird because you not really an adult but you not a kid either. Awkward as it is it still gave a couple of lessons which I will share with you today. These are things I know now and believe to be worthy of a blog post. So here goes, in no particular order

  1. Never ever give up on yourself. You are allowed a little break from "the hustle"but don't stop until you get what you want and deserve.
  2. Take care of your mental health. Feed yourself kind words.
  3. Use your brain. Actually apply it. Apparently humans only use 10% of their brain. Imagine that!
  4. Listen to your intuition. I mean has that little voice ever lead you astray?
  5. READ, as often as you can.
  6. Travel, to any place,far or near
  7. Love as many things and as many people as your heart can handle
  8. If you don't know, ASK or better yet GOOGLE
  9. Forgive yourself. 
  10. Bad things happen
  11. Ask for help if and when you need it
  12. "Keep a few great friends", whatever that means
  13. EAT your heart out, Try out new cuisines and shit
  14. Let go of all the shit that doesn't serve you. It may take a while but that shit has got to go
  15. DREAM and keep those dreams alive
  16. hydrate people, hydrate
  17. De-clutter, purge.
  18. Save money, spend money
  19. Gratitude is the best attitude. Trust!
  20. Know that you are a human being, and humans are rarely one thing. We are multifaceted beings. We are walking contradictions, a ball of emotions. You get what I am trying to say right?
  21. Try and not overthink or analyse things
  22. Don't take everything personally (this is more recent) and lastly
  23. Grow. expand...
So far this is all I have. Down the road some of these may change or be scratched out the list completely but for now these are my 23 things at 23!

Thanks for reading

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