

Monday, February 22, 2021


Happy new year to every single soul reading this blog post right now . I know it’s been ages . I feel like for the past 8years  I’ve been starting off the year with a catch up session . This is partly because I slack with the blog posts more especially in the middle of the year  and then have to put up these blog posts to catch up. Am I even making sense?

Anyway I know 2020 has been such a long, grueling year. I mean since “you know who” made thier South African debut in February 2020 everything just went to shit . We were all hoping 2021 would be better, we were all hoping for a miracle but here we are smack dab in the middle of a second wave/ second variant / I really wish this could all end ASAP. 

I wasn’t particularly excited for the new year, unlike all the other years. It really just felt like NEW YEAR , OLD SHIT you know. I normally do a vision board or have resolutions, none of that this year. I’m just tired, tired of trying to survive this panorama, pandemonium I mean pandemic. One thing  that really made me grateful this year was moving my daughter to stay with me in witbank. Oh yah that’s another thing , I got a locum job in witbank at a retail pharmacy . All of this miraculously happened in July 2020 , mid pandemic . I got a call from an older friend/mentor of mine who is also a pharmacist telling me she needs a locum . I really saw the hand of God over my life with that particular situation because I was looking for a job but I was tired of the emotional rollercoaster of applying, getting interviews, being rejected and sometimes not even getting a response . The last interview I did was in June and it went horribly wrong, I vowed to myself  no more interviews until I had healed from the trauma. Shortly after that God was like I’m not going to disappoint you my child and gave me a job, NO APPLICATIONS, NO INTERVIEWS. 

It’s been about 2months staying with my baby and hey let me tell you something toddlers are a lot of work . I know raising humans is an incredibly challenging thing in general but raising a toddler tops it all . Terrible twos are a real thing, even though she just turned 3 in January . She has such a big personality and is so strong willed  sometimes it really surprises me that a 3 year old can have so much power over you . Everyday is a rollercoaster of emotions , i go from laughing (I know every parent says this about their child but she is so funny ), to gratitude, to wanting to kick her out because she’s so naughty . There are moments when I wish I wasn’t doing this alone, It would really be nice to have a helper or a nanny. I am looking but finding someone is a bit difficult especially because I really don’t know a lot of people here and to be honest don’t trust a lot of people .  The search continues though , hopefully we will find someone suitable soon . 

We are currently in bed on a Sunday morning, she's watching Cocomelon on YouTube and I'm editing this blog post. My heart is happy, i can't imagine not having her here. 

Thanks for reading, hopefully this year I'll be more consistent with the blog posts. 

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