

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

It's only the second week of February and I feel like I am already running out of time. I don't know if it's because I have a ton of things planned for this year, it feels like I  have barely scratched the surface. Last year was the same and the only difference is that last year I didn't do a single thing I set out to do. I didn't tick much off my goals and that really bothered me, at least in the beginning. As 2021 went by I realised that I wasn't going to do any of the things on my vision board so I had to quickly make peace with the fact.

 This year I don't have any excuses, well I do but I'm planning to push past that. A huge chunk, about 80%, of the goals I have this year are from 2021. I am still keen on ticking these things off my list and you know me and lists. This time around I thought I'd bring you along on this journey so you can hold me accountable lol. I need a lot of that. It is possible that I never finish anything I started or rather don't even start because I have no one to be accountable to. In addition to that, I love writing things down or sharing them with people. I have this weird belief that if you put your goals, dreams and wishes out there, make them known and set the intention sometimes the thing you desire has no choice but to happen. That's how I see it and I have seen that happen for me and other people. 

I am going to categorize my goals or resolutions if you'd like for 2022 into 5 different topics. That works better for me because I realised that I could be lacking in one sphere of my life and flourishing in the next so recognising where the lack is helping me understand where I am emotionally and psychologically. I don't feel like my whole life is crumbling, I understand that it's only one part of my life. When you know where the problem is it's much easier to solve it. Am I making sense? I feel like I am making sense. 

Here we go:


My biggest goal this year is to build back my emergency fund. I used the money to buy a car last year and I don't quite feel comfortable having no emergency fund. This time around I will keep it and only use it for emergencies only. At this moment it is on R0 and I plan to make my first contribution this month. My second goal is to max out my TFSA, tax-free savings account, contributions. I won't be saving this money rather I am investing it using the easy equities app. I am considering going back to my side hustles seeing that I have a helper this year so I have time. The side hustles will mainly be for my investments. I have to do this one and do it early because this is my retirement plan. Last but definitely not least I want to have a healthy relationship with money. I tend to hoard money and I believe that comes from never ever wanting to lack. I want to cultivate abundance, a deep sitted belief that there is more and that there will always be more.


I need my goals to be quantifiable and I don't know how to quantify this part. What I do know is that I want a flat stomach this year or something that closely resembles it. With each day I hate the flabs even more. I am not happy with my body and this is not to say I hate it. I just know that it could be better but in the same breathe I really don't want to lose weight.  In addition to this, I want to eat healthier, the irony is that as I'm typing this I am deep within a fat cake and it's delicious. I really don't know how I'm going to win this struggle. 


Being self-employed and having passive income streams is the only career path I want for myself this year and every year going forward. I am aware that I have to put in the work which sucks but I read something that is motivating me to put in the work just for this year. "IT ONLY TAKES 1 GOOD YEAR TO COMPLETELY CHANGE YOUR LIFE...MAKE THIS THE ONE". I intend to do exactly that. I am also working on owning a pharmacy of 2 this year. One of my biggest goals is to improve my writing. I have considered taking up writing courses but I don't want to pay for them so I am looking at getting free courses. Someone once told me that I write the way I speak and I know it wasn't a compliment so I want to change a few things in the way I write. I also created a Youtube channel and would really appreciate it if you subscribed, please and thank you! Link HERE


Let me just claim this here and now, I am going to travel Africa this year. Zanzibar, Kenya, Swaziland, Lesotho all of it. I need it, I need to do that for myself. I want to travel locally with my daughter more. I love seeing her get excited by simple things. I did take up swimming so when I am comfortable with the idea of swimming alone I will be going to Sun City with her. Spa dates must also be a thing this year, I want to be a lady this year lol, well at least try. I am also looking into gardening. There is a small patch of dirt that I have been meaning to use and I think it would make a great first-time garden. I just hope my daughter and her friends don't mess it up. 


I want to go back to fellowshipping this year. I miss being in a physical church, I miss praise and worship, I miss everything about the church. There is just something about a room full of praying mouths and hearts that are intentional about being with God, Another goal for this year is to finish the new testament. I started reading the book of Mathew beginning of February and I have been consistent. I am planning of fasting more this year, once a month just to humble the flesh and keep my heart positioned to hear God. 

Reading these back I feel like I should cram a little more into my goals for this year. I think the idea of having a lot of things to do makes me feel good but in the long run, I am setting myself up for failure. I haven't even done half the things I wanted to do let alone come up with ways to do them but I am already looking for more. I am excited to put in the work and see how my life changes. Let's make this the best year of our lives.

Thanks for reading!

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