2021 was such an incredibly difficult year for me . If you have read some of my previous blog posts you might have picked up some of the things I was having challenges with . It was such a crappy year so much so that I experienced and in a way still experiencing "end of year fatigue". It's intense because I don't really...
discipline the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience."a lack of proper parental and school discipline" Before starting this blog post I had inkling to check the definition of the word discipline. There is no significant reason but I wanted a dictionary definition of the word. Now that I have it though I am...
The one thing that I love about having a community of women around me is the wealth of knowledge and advice you get in abundance and it's almost always relatable, accurate and relevant . Sometimes unsolicited but there comes a point in your life where you look back and think "mamma was right" or "I should have listened to my aunt" or "I...
In January of 2017 I put up a blog post about the 30 things I wanted to do before 30. It was inspired by a challenge I had seen on YouTube . I was 25 at the time, had a new born baby and had gotten my community service pharmacist appointment in Witbank at a government hospital, which was later on withdrawn ....
I have been separated from the father of my child for about 2years now . Shortly after that relationship I met someone. In the beginning it wasn’t really a problem , not that it is now but there’s a lot to consider now . I was home with the baby and also had a bit of a social life and was able to...
1. It takes a villageYou can't do it on your own . I tried and failed . I realized you need people, you need extra hands, advice, recommendations and help. You need people who will step in and tell you if you are wrong, you need validation and assurance when you are on the right path . You need people to help you...
My baby is a toddler LOL . The realization just hit me , she is a toddler . Not that it changes anything but that in itself is such a huge milestone. She started creche / day-care in January here in Witbank . The first few days were a bit rough for both of us I'd say . We were both still very...
Happy new year to every single soul reading this blog post right now . I know it’s been ages . I feel like for the past 8years I’ve been starting off the year with a catch up session . This is partly because I slack with the blog posts more especially in the middle of the year and then have to put up...